Other Half – Composer, for choreographer Matthew Neenan, Pennsylvania Ballet, 2020

Twelve Bells – Collaborating composer/performer with composer/violin/vocalist Tara Middleton, choreographer Matthew Neenan, produced by BalletX, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019

-The Engine
– Composed for Asimina Chremos’ performance 2019

Rock-A-Bye – Collaborating composer/performer with composer/violin/vocalist Tara Middleton and Gregg Mervine (West Philadelphia Orchestra) choreographer Penny Saunders, produced by BalletX, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2018

META with choreographer/performers Jandyra Maciel and Sophie Follett, presented by the Hawkes Bay Arts Festival – 2018

Sunset o639 Hours – Collaborating composer/performer with Andrew Mars, Joshua Machiz and Isaac Stanford, choreographer Matthew Neenan, produced by BalletX, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2014

-Seed – Collaborating composer/performer Subcircle Dance Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2011

Proliferation of the Imagination – Collaborating composer/performer with Joshua Machiz and Jesse Sparhawk, choreographer Matthew Neenan, and the WILMA Theatre, produced by BalletX, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2012

The Nature of Wishing – Composer/Performer – Directed by Alyx Duncan, St James Theatre, Auckland, NZ, 2006

Operation of the Sun Part 1: The Victorians – Ake Ake Theatre Company, Wellington Fringe Festival and Dunedin Fringe Festival, (Best Theatre Award Winner), 2006


The Floating Theatre – Written and directed by Stephen Bain. Performed at the Performance Arcade, Wellington, 2023

Lost Letter Office – composer/sound designer/musician of the pre-recorded soundtrack for the theatre show produced by Capital E National Theatre for Children in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara. Directed by Jen McArthur and Nick Blake. Toured Nation-wide in 2020-2021

Babble – Composer – Massive Theatre Company, Auckland Arts Festival, Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa, 2020

In A Curious Garden – Musical Director/Composer/Performer -MIXIT Theatre Company, Auckland Botanical Gardens, Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa, 2020

Franklin’s Key – Musical Director/Composer/Performer – This Dan Rothenberg and Quillen Camp, Kimmel Centre, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019

The Hooligan and the Lady – Composer/Performer – Pauleen Hayes, Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival, Hastings, Aotearoa, 2017

The Stairwell Symphony – Composer/collaborating musician – No Face Performance Group, USA, 2014

Hand of Gaul – Composer/Performer – Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts-Inis Nua Theater Company, USA, 2013

From The Swamp To The Stars – Composer – No Face Performance Group, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2013

Twelfth Night or What You Will – Composer/Performer – Pig Iron Theatre Company, Philadelphia Live Arts Festival, Suzanne Roberts Theatre, Philadelphia. PA, Fringe Arts, Philadelphia, PA and a season at the Abrons Arts Centre, New York, NY, 2012

The Beautiful Refrigerator Is Empty – Collaborating musician – No Face Performance Group, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Toured USA, 2011 – 2016

Cankerblossom – Composer/Performer – Pig Iron Theatre Company, Philadelphia Live Arts Festival, Christchurch Neighborhood House, Philadelphia. PA, USA, 2010

An Adagio Christmas – Composer/Performer – Awkward Productions, Downstage Theatre, Wellington, NZ, 2009

Adagio – Performer – Awkward Productions, Downstage Theatre, Wellington, NZ (Best Music – Chappman Tripp Award Winner), 2008

The Ghost’s Soiree – Musical Director/Performer – Hypnotical Hoodang, Wellington Fringe Festival, NZ, 2008

Our Secret Garden – Ake Ake Theatre Company, Capital E Arts Festival, Wellington, NZ, 2005

Lari Tompson, One Youth’s Tragedy – Ake Ake Theatre Company, Mackenzie Theatre, Capital E, Wellington NZ, 2004


as the mountain folds itself to sleep – commissioned by Chamber Music New Zealand for Calefax Quintet, 2024

Occulmente – commissioned by Marc Machiz for Friction Quartet San Francisco, nominated for the SOUNZ Contemporary Award, 2018

drawing fire from the well – commissioned by Al Fraser and Bridget Douglas, 2020

Subterranean Nightmare – commissioned by the Pyramid Club, 2019 and 2020

Idiosyncrophilia – A new work for invented instruments by Guggenheim fellow Neil Feather and STROMA chamber orchestra funded by CNZ. Premiered at BATS, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, July, 2022, Workshop performance by Arcana New Music Ensemble at The Rotunda, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2019


Eavesdropping on Electric Fish – solo electroacoustic performance project – 2023

Role: Leader/composer/arranger/producer/instigator a monthly big band event at Te-Whanganui-a-Tara music venue MEOW. A 20 piece band performed original music and hosted guest performers from other art-forms in one-off monthly shows curated around the seasonal aspects of our specific location 2021 and 2022

Diamond Blazer -solo electroacoustic performance project – since 2011


Paradeamonium – Composer/Band Leader – An unsolicited surrealist street band, Wellington, Aotearoa, 2022

Franklin’s Secret City – Co-composer/sound designer with Joshua Machiz for an Augmented Reality puzzle adventure experience set outdoors around Philadelphia’s historical landmarks and based on its rich history of mechanical inventions and secret societies. Directed by  Dan Rothenberg and written by Robert Quillen Camp, PA, USA, 2022

Worlds Within Worlds – Composer/performer/band leader – A site specific surrealist marching band performance in the Clifton Car Park, Wellington, NZ, 2022

BIG/small – Performer/co-leader with Erika Grant,  A community site-specific performance experience at and around Tokyo Lane and the Clifton Carpark, Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, part of Pyramid Club’s offsite performances, 2020

Soon/Now/Gone – Composer and inventor of three interactive sound devices, collaborating with visual artist Erik Ruin for Mural Arts Philadelphia’s “Sounding The Rail Park” Project. PA, USA, 2019

There Are Other Worlds They Have Not Told You Of….- Accordionist for Gerard Crewdson’s performance in Lucid Dream-Bike’s show set outside around central Wellington, 2019

Forget Me…Forget Me Not – Collaborating musician with Subcircle Dance Theatre – created for the Commotion Festival in Philadelphia, 2012

Perceiving Murder – Composer/Performer – Hypnotical Hoodang, Myers Park, Auckland, NZ, 2009


A Sensory Adventure – composer/performer
A food and music collaboration with acclaimed chef Anastashia Sarlis and Katie Martin founder of the Sensonauts. Seven courses, seven compositions to be experienced in tandem. Created for Wellington On A Plate Food Festival 2020

Partitions and Resonances – Performances with Johnny Chang for his curated series at the Audio Foundation 2023

-The Wellington Most Famous Orchestra Of Miraculous Delights – 2009 – with Jeff Henderson


Waxworks – 2023
-Faust – 2022
-The Last Command – 2017
-The Last Days of Pompeii – 2013
-Music for Len Lye – 2002


Outer Space Food Fight
Secret Islands
Revolutionary Arts Ensemble
Totally Super Pregnant
Super Meow
The Only Band In Illyria
The Sunset Club
Adult Content
Solid Bronze Hits (the other band)


Better Call Saul Presents: Slippin’ Jimmy – Composer/performer/recording engineer for episode 4 and episode 6 of AMC Network’s cartoon series. 2022

Vermillion – Pianist for Don McGlashan’s original score
– Directed by Dorthe Scheffmann, 2018

Godplex – Composer – Directed by Darcy Gladwin
, 2017

Starfyter – Electronic music composition – Directed by Spencer Sheridan, 2011

– Composer/pianist – Directed by Briar March, 2010


Jazz from the Underground Nightclubs of Aotearoa Vol​.​11 – It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time – 2024
The Instrumentory – by Neil Feather, featuring improvisations by R. Langabeer and Neil Feather – 2020
Twelve Bells – with Tara Middleton and Josh Machiz, USA – 2019
Rock-a-bye – with Tara Middleton and Greg Mervine, USA – 2018
Secret Islands – by Jim Langabeer, performed by the Jim Langabeer Sextet, released on Rattle Records, AOTEAROA – 2017
Choice – by Totally Super Pregnant (Iris McCloughan and R. Langabeer); composed by Iris McCloughan, USA – 2017
Super Meow – improvised by Super Meow (Isaac Smith, Isuru Kumarsinghe and R. Langabeer), Colombo, SRI LANKA – 2015
Magic Love Mirrors – improvised by the Magic Love Mirrors (Isaac Smith, Isuru Kumarsinghe, Kei Watanabe, R. Langabeer), Colombo, SRI LANKA – 2015
Sunset o639 Hours – by R. Langabeer performed by The Sunset Club (Andrew Mars, R. Langabeer, Josh Machiz and Isaac Stanford) USA – 2014
What You Will – by R. Langabeer, performed by The Only Band In Illyria, USA – 2014
Kong – Keyboardist for TJ Kong and The Atomic Bomb’s album, Philadelphia, USA – 2014
The Twilight Zone – by Kate Porter and R. Langabeer, USA – 2012
Strange Satie – by Strange Satie; R. Langabeer, Josh Machiz, Jesse Sparhawk, USA – 2011
Sirius Music – by R. Langabeer performed by Zirkus – released on iiii, AOTEAROA – 2010
Zirkus – by R. Langabeer performed by Zirkus, AOTEAROA – 2005